支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器

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支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器

Sequent watch - 有在關注募資界的朋友,應該都對這支手錶不會太陌生。

標榜著"The world's first self-charging smartwatch" (世界第一支能夠自我充電的智慧手錶),


究竟是有料還是沒料? 且讓我們如下分曉



(All shot with mobile phone's camera so some of the picture's quality might be poor)

-  開箱篇/Unboxing  -

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器 
支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
靜靜躺在有質感的外盒中備受保護的手錶,就是我們今日的主角Sequent Watch啦~
In the well-designed package lies the properly-protected Sequent watch, our focus tody.

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
盒子的第二層擺放配件,有充電器 (欸欸???!! 希望不要太常用到啊) 還有試鏡布 (質感不錯,上頭有Sequent的標誌)。其實充電器是第一次使用時才用得到 (希望如此囉...);必須要說的是,因為沒有磁吸的回饋感,所以有沒有充到電是看手錶的指示燈有無亮起。
In the second layer lies the accessories, the charger (ummmm...hopefully won't be used so frequently...) and the lens paper (also in good quality, with Sequent's trademark). Actually the charger is for the first-time use to fully charge the watch. It is worth mentioning that, because lack of sense of feedback, you couldn't just "feel" if the watch is being charged or not; you have to tell it by the indicator light of the watch.

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
帥氣的正面;左側的小指針指示電量,右側的顯示計步數 (以每日目標量為基準)。全包覆的玻璃提供良好的質感,但非藍寶石玻璃的鏡面還是讓人擔心刮傷啊... (P.S. 指針是夜光的)
Good-looking front side. The smaller left hand shows power and right hand shows the step counts (in the percentage of daily goal). Whole-covered glass provides excellent appearance, but non-sapphire makes owner worry about the scratches. (P.S. Hands are luminous)

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
背面有心跳偵測和充電接點。原本蓋念圖是設計可透視零件的,可惜實體無法... 不過可以看到半圓形的轉盤,轉動時可以提供手錶電力! (部分網友反應轉盤轉動的聲音有些大聲...不過個人是覺得蠻療癒的)
Over the back side are heart rate sensor and charging point. In the concept map we could see the mechanics inside through the glass but couldn't in the real one. What a pity! Here instead we can see the semi-circle wheel, which provides the power when it turns around. (Some guys said it made lots of noise when moving but I think that's its feature and kind of cool)

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
同樣有著Sequent標誌的錶冠。據說可以短按/長按/連按兩下觸發不同功能;不過,目前只可以連按兩下來與手機連接 (經由藍芽) (或是有其他功能? 知道的可以提供一下拜託...)
Here comes the crown also with the Sequent trademark. It can trigger various functions depending on short press/long press/double press, claimed by the designer. But for now, it can only trigger the connection between the watch and the phone through bluetooth by double press. (Or is there any other function? Maybe I just missed... remind me plz) 

-  功能篇/Functioning  -

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
目前的功能依然相當短少。在一般模式下就有計步功能。經由手動的同步 (右上角的重整按鈕),就可以將今日截至目前為止的資料傳輸到手機的app上頭。
Very few functions up to now; new functions will be added gradually through updates (hopefully...). Under regular mode, step counts work. Through manually synchronization (by tapping the re-org button of right-up corner), data of the watch can be transferred to the phone.

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
其他的資料包括距離 (應該是由步數估算; GPS太耗電) 和 (預估的)消耗能量。
Other transferred data include: walking distance (I guess it's estimated through the step counting, because GPS is too power-consuming) and the (estimated) calories.

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
至於心跳嘛...你必須自己(經由手機操控)手動測量 實際測試還算準確。
As for heart rate measuring... you have to trigger it manually under the regular mode (through the phone). It is precise, as my experience.

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器
當然也有運動模式! 不過我還沒有時間測它...
There's sport mode of course! However I don't get a chance yet to test it after I get this watch.

-  結語/Conclusion  -

支援 UHS-II 記憶卡讀寫、100W USB-PD 充電,Sony 發表 MRW-S3 USB Type-C 集線器

Elegant looking; made in good quality.
Everything seems to work well up to now.

The App still waits for updating

粗淺短測一下,更多細節尚待之後發掘。飽電後用了兩天,電量只掉到99%。其實嘛,這個募資專案已經delay了超過一年半了,不過呢,遲到總比不到好。雖然還是半成品的樣子,但基於實體品的品質,我還是對Sequent team有信心的 (自我催眠嗎哈哈) 總之,期望未來他能好好陪伴我囉。

It's only a rough testing (I just got this watch...). After using it for 2 days after fully charged, the battery still maintained at 99%. In fact this program already delayed for more than one and half years. But it finally comes anyway, and although it's still like a semi-finished product, I have my faith in Sequent team, based on the quality of the watch I truely feeled. Hope it can be my good partner in the future!

** 打個小廣告: 喜歡這篇評測的朋友們,也來看看這篇評測吧!
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從 Samsung S8 發送
這樣的規格很棒 蠻不錯的一款集線器 若是還能加入無限充電或是行動電源 多工於一機也是很不錯喔
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SONY USB-C 集線器蠻不錯的,把多功能集合在一起
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