華碩三款變型平板近期有望升 Android 4.1
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雖然現在已經很讓我滿意了~~ -
Thomas說:相較於其他品牌,ASUS 華碩真的對平板產品頗用心,不僅推出的產品數量、種類夠多... 恕刪
TF101????努力賺EP -
不過4.1沒有flash 總讓人猶豫啊…
Dear valued ASUS customer,
At ASUS, one of the key commitments we make to our customers is a relentless drive to deliver the best user experience. We constantly strive to achieve this goal through our ‘Design Thinking’ philosophy that includes regular software and firmware updates for our products.
We are pleased to announce that many of our tablet products are scheduled to receive an update to Android 4.1, Jelly Bean. The ASUS Transformer Pad, ASUS Transformer Pad Prime and ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity are all scheduled to receive Android 4.1 updates in the coming months. We will provide further guidance on our expected timeframes for these updates near their release.
We are still investigating Jelly Bean updates for other devices, but we are not in a position to confirm whether any other products will be eligible for an update at the moment.
Thank you for your continued support.