As a full featured apps transfer tool for your iPhone, Xilisoft iPhone Apps Transfer can meet all your needs for managing iPhone apps: copy and transfer iPhone apps to PC/iTunes, delete apps on your iPhone as well as move the apps back to iPhone or transfer to another iPhone.
Moreover, you can add/save/delete app documents on your iPhone directly with this smart software. And this app transfer tool for iPhone is quite simple to operate with drag-drop supported and app-located search box.
Backup and transfer iPhone apps conveniently
Add/save/delete iPhone app documents
Search apps you want in one step
Xilisoft iPhone apps transfer supports all iPhone models
Transfer iPhone apps to PC, and copy the apps to another iPhone
As a full featured apps transfer tool for your iPhone, Xilisoft iPhone Apps Transfer can meet all your needs for managing iPhone apps: copy and transfer iPhone apps to PC/iTunes, delete apps on your iPhone as well as move the apps back to iPhone or transfer to another iPhone.
Moreover, you can add/save/delete app documents on your iPhone directly with this smart software. And this app transfer tool for iPhone is quite simple to operate with drag-drop supported and app-located search box.
支援: 安卓Android 與 蘋果(IOS) 手機...
PC Suite for android 包含數萬種免費應用程式,遊戲,主題 讓你下載到手軟
‧ 版本:更新時間:2013-1-10)
‧ iOS設備+Android設備:
‧ 1. 主介面:支援自定義大小,並支援部局智慧縮放
‧ 2. 電子書:站點全新改版,分類更清晰
‧ 3. 電子書:支持模糊搜索,並支持上傳pdf格式書籍
‧ 1. 音樂鈴聲模組、手機圖庫、檔管理等介面顯示問題
‧ 1. Android應用,智慧升級功能。更省時,更省空間!
‧ 1. 驅動安裝過程的體驗,連接手機速度提升60%!
‧ 1. 連接嚮導出現無法識別設備的問題
‧ 2. 導出NPK不含遊戲記憶資料的問題
‧ 新增:
‧ 1. 未越獄設備支援顯示短信內容
‧ 2. 未越獄設備支援鈴聲管理
‧ 3. AppleID登錄突破原先的5台PC授權限制
‧ 1. iOS檔管理-應用程式佈局,更直觀,更好用
‧ 2. 連接未越獄設備安裝多款第三方軟體時提示文字
‧ 3. iOS6軟體容量的顯示,更加精准
‧ 1. 正版體驗的軟體導出後無法安裝的問題
‧ 2. Appstore商店購買軟體失敗的問題