新版 Tinyumbrella v6.0 (降級)備份

情封意止(lion2012) 一般網友
發文: 504 經驗: 6,167
發表於 2012-09-17 23:11
新版 Tinyumbrella v6.0 (降級)備份

After quite a delay... ios 6.0b and GM support

Sorry for the delay folks... with funerals and travel and changing jobs I've had quite the summer. I've updated TU for apple tv 5.0.2 (sorry for the wait!) as well as all of the iOS 6 betas. I've had to change the way the OSX app is packaged. No more installer for now as Gatekeeper sucks more than taxes.

So now it is a simple zip but you will have to give your admin password at the first launch (it shouldn't ask for it again after first launch).

