
sourianna(sourianna) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-18 11:03



此網頁往下拉  有個

Or get iPhone unlocked and contract-free. Coming in November



有便宜到唷  16G只要650美元






kOy(koy1014) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-18 12:41
老闆!!這個都還沒加稅金喔!!  還有運費也要錢低!!
sourianna(sourianna) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-18 13:04
老闆!!這個都還沒加稅金喔!!  還有運費也要錢低!!... 恕刪



Primo(primolee) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-19 11:50 ,最後編輯於 2011-10-19 11:58
http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/sh... 恕刪

上面寫著只有支援GSM, 所以在美國國內不支援Verizon或Sprint.
這指的是語音方面? 那資料傳輸呢?  如果連資料也只是在GSM, 那買美國unlock版本一點意義也沒有... 
也因為如此, 所以美國unlock空機價格比其他國家都便宜, 剛剛稍微看了一下英國和澳洲, 64GB換算起來都要33000NT或30000NT. 所以大概預想台灣的價格也應該是如此了.
現在還不清楚美國unlock機是怎樣, 不要輕易說便宜比較好...
sourianna(sourianna) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-19 13:00


iphone4s是支不管走到哪個國家都能用的World phone



Primo(primolee) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-19 14:04 ,最後編輯於 2011-10-19 14:07
無言...你到底在寫什麼iphone4s是支不管走到哪個國家都能用的World ... 恕刪

您沒懂我的意思. 當然是世界都通, 我本身也是iPhone 2G~4的使用者. 只是如果美國的unlock版本只支援GSM的話, 那在數據傳輸上也就只有2G而已, 上網速度上會慢很多.

在我提到的連結內並沒有清楚指明"只支援GSM"是單純語音的部分, 還是包含數據的部分. 如果連數據傳輸的部分也只能支援GSM, 那就是閹割版, 相對之下價格便宜也是理所當然的了.
去到世界的哪端都能用, 只是速度只有GSM的話就沒有意義了.
只能期待有更清楚的資訊來解惑, 不然iPhone 4S只支援GSM實在很鳥, 相對之下買澳洲香港英國或是等台灣推出就有一定的必要性.
只能2G的iPhone 4S, 想要的人應該很少吧? XD
cjhmk(cjhmkhot) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-19 17:53
您沒懂我的意思. 當然是世界都通, 我本身也是iPhone 2G~4的使用者. ... 恕刪

cjhmk(cjhmkhot) 一般網友
發文: 136 經驗: 423
發表於 2011-10-19 17:58
上面寫著只有支援GSM, 所以在美國國內不支援Verizon或Sprint.&n... 恕刪
Primo(primolee) 一般網友
發文: 507 經驗: 1,472
發表於 2011-10-19 23:31 ,最後編輯於 2011-10-20 08:55
原文貼上的. 上面就是提到"The unlocked iPhone works only on supported GSM networks". 有漏掉哪句或是哪裡看錯也麻煩您具體的提出來吧. 感謝~
原文就是講到只支援GSM, 但是沒有任何地方提到資料傳輸是不是也只能限制GSM. 所以我的發言上也是帶著疑問, 畢竟我沒用過. 理論上應該是沒這麼笨才是啦~ 現在上網不支援3G的話就實在太奇怪了. 在此提出也是希望要買的人能確認一下, 畢竟美國unlock版雖然便宜不少但是還是一筆大金額.

The unlocked iPhone works only on supported GSM networks, such as AT&T in the U.S. When you travel internationally, you can also use a micro-SIM card from a local GSM carrier. The unlocked iPhone will not work with CDMA carriers such as Verizon Wireless or Sprint.

About the Unlocked iPhone

The unlocked iPhone includes all the features of iPhone but without a contract commitment. You can activate and use it on the supported GSM wireless network of your choice, such as AT&T in the United States.* The unlocked iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S will not work with CDMA-based carriers such as Verizon Wireless or Sprint.

If you don’t want a multiyear service contract or if you prefer to use a local carrier when traveling abroad, the unlocked iPhone is the best choice. It arrives without a micro-SIM card, so you’ll need an active micro-SIM card from any supported GSM carrier worldwide. To start using it, simply insert the micro-SIM card into the slot on your iPhone and turn it on by pressing and holding the On/Off button for a few seconds. Then follow the onscreen instructions to set up your iPhone.

* Credit check may be required; must be 18 or older. An unlocked iPhone may be activated on supported GSM carrier networks. See www.apple.com/iphone for more information. Service may not be available in all areas or at the signal strength, rates, speeds, or bandwidth as demonstrated. Wi-Fi Internet access required for some features; broadband recommended; fees may apply. Some applications, features, and services are not available in all areas. Check with your service provider about network coverage in your area and international roaming options. Warranty information available atwww.apple.com/legal/warranty/iphone. When available, transferring your mobile number to a different service provider will terminate your service with your existing provider; termination fees and other charges may apply. Some features may require added fees. Contact your service provider for more details. Use constitutes acceptance of Apple’s software license agreement and third-party terms located in the iPhone box. Unauthorized modification of your iPhone software violates the software license agreement. Inability to use an iPhone due to unauthorized modifications is not covered under your warranty.
Primo(primolee) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-10-20 09:06

