更加重視用戶隱私:Windows Phone並未植入Carrier IQ

米豆(midoep) 一般網友
發文: 95 經驗: 412
發表於 2011-12-04 02:02
毫無疑問大家應該都聽說過Carrier IQ的事情,這件事情在今天成爲多份媒體的頭條。事情源于一個叫Trevor Eckhart的用戶在XDA-Dev的論壇上宣稱,大多數的安卓手持設備都植入了跟蹤軟件。這個跟蹤軟件在超過1億2100萬的設備被啓用記錄手機使用情況,以及按鍵行爲等等。這些數據都被發送給運營商或者OEM. HTC, 三星,Sprint, AT&T, 蘋果(IOS5之前)等等都被卷入這樁醜聞。但是如果你是Windows Phone用戶,恭喜你,根據Joe Belfiore的調查沒有任何一部Windows Phone設備受此感染。諾基亞也發表了一份聲明稱其所有的設備都沒有這項功能(包括S40,塞班,WP7,Meego手機等等)

更加重視用戶隱私:Windows Phone並未植入Carrier IQ
I’m sure that you’ve all already hear about the Carrier IQ mess that’s been making the headlines today and which started earlier last month after Trevor Eckhart over at the XDA-Devs forums found out about the tracking software on most Android handsets. As it turns out more than 121Million devices have the Carrier IQ installed logging phone usage, keystrokes etc and sending everything to the carriers or OEMS. HTC, Samsung Sprint AT&T Apple (prior to iOS5) etc are all involved. If you are a Windows Phone users you should then be happy to know than none of the WP7 devices are “infected” by this according to Joe Belfiore. Nokia has also issued a statement saying that none of their devices have it either (this includes S40, Symbian, WP7, Meego phones)

更加重视用户隐私:Windows Phone并未植入Carrier IQ - Windows Phone 7 新闻播报区 - Windows Phone 7论坛|智机网
米豆(midoep) 一般網友
發文: 95 經驗: 412
發表於 2011-12-04 02:10



