
新手(a960055367) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-03 12:05 ,最後編輯於 2011-01-03 13:04


New N8 Multiple Mods (No Hacked N8 needed)

N8 Multiple Mods:

01. Landscape Dialer Mod//横屏撥號
02. Gallery Folders Mod//照片目錄修改
03. Photo & Video Mods//照片、攝影修改
04. Continuous AF Mod//持續對焦(錄影)
05. Context data object maximum size mod//不了解
06. Music Player Folders Mod//自带音樂播放器文件夾播放
07. Music Player Heap 30Mb//允許播放大於30M的音樂文件
08. Start/Shutdown animations and sounds (C:/Anim)//開關機畫面聲音
09. Browser's Cache Mod//閱覽器缓存修改
10. Voice Recorder 5H 256kbps//錄音機(更高品值錄音256kbps)
11. UI Speed Mod//圖形界面加速


1. Included the camera mute mod within mod# 3.//無聲拍照
2. Change camera quality setting to 97/85/75 accordingly with more accurate estimated image size to mod# 3.//照片質量設置97%、85%、75%补丁
3. Change video/audio bitrate from 96kbps to 128kbps, 128kbps to 256kbps into mod# 3.//提高音視频比特率

For CAF setting below the recommendation of usage:  //持續對焦最好按照如下提示使用(試了會有異音,也許是麥克風離鏡頭太近,錄到了鏡頭對焦的聲音)

1. For close up object (10cm~1m) enable the CAF.//10公分到1公尺開啟持續對交
2. For normal video capture (>30cm) disable the CAF.//大於30公分禁用持續對焦

Just download the attachment and sign it with your cert then install. No hacked phone needed!!  //只需要下載之后自簽名,然后安装就可以了。

Installation steps://安装步驟1. Download the attachment.//下載附件
2. Sign the . sis with your own cert.//自簽名
3. Run the signed . sis.//安裝
4. Select the mods that you like to install.//選擇你需要的修改並行安裝
5. REBOOT the phone.//重啟手機

Uninstall the mods://卸載
1. Use normal uninstall apps method.//跟通常下載步驟相同
2. REBOOT the phone.//重啟手機
3. All will back to original state.//這樣就恢復原狀了

credit to Faenil for the original mods!//感謝Faenil的初始修改


黑川峻(cj77882) 一般網友
發文: 643 經驗: 6,265
發表於 2011-01-03 17:35 ,最後編輯於 2011-01-12 23:13
v3.00 v3.30
N8 Multiple Mods v4.00:
N8 多重修改補丁 v4.00:

01. KS Improvement
螢幕滑動(Kinetic Scroll)提升
- Improve on Kinetic Scrolling, now your list will be easier/faster/longer on kinetic scroll (you wil SURE feel the different)

02. UI Improvement (85FPS) - Experiment Mod
界面加速修改 - 試驗修改
- Experiment mods, changed the default 67FPS to 33FPS and the max processing power from 75% to 100%. Need more users experience feedback on it's actual improvement (if it have any)

03. Landscape Dialer
- To enable the phone dialer able to rotate same as others screen (not lock on just potrait mode)

04. Camera Sound Mute
- Enable the camera sound to be mute when warning tone been turn off.

05. Continuous AutoFocus
- You will have an EXTRA option under Video Setting that enable the Continuous AF during video.

For Mods #6,#7,#8, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

06. Photo/Video (100/30FPS)
照片質量/視頻質量 (100/30FPS),提高音視頻比特率 (30FPS/256kbps)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

07. Photo/Video (097/30FPS)
照片質量/視頻質量 (097/30FPS),提高音視頻比特率 (30FPS/256kbps)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

08. Photo/Video (095/30FPS)
照片質量/視頻質量 (095/30FPS),提高音視頻比特率 (30FPS/256kbps)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

09. Photo Gallery Folders
照片遊覽器文件夾修改 E:\Images\ & F:\Images\
- Photo Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path, hopefully now it's will only show E:\Images\ & F:\Images\ contents.

10. Music Gallery Folders
音樂遊覽器文件夾修改 E:\Music\, E:\Sounds\, F:\Music\, F:\Sounds\, G:\Music\, G:\Sounds\
- Music Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path, hopefully now it's will only show E:\Music\, E:\Sounds\, F:\Music\, F:\Sounds\, G:\Music\, G:\Sounds\ contents.

For Mods #11,#12, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

11. Browser's Cache (D:\)
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to D: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.

12. Browser's Cache (E:\)
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to E: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.

For Mods #13,#14,#15, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

13. Startup/Shutdown (C:\Animations)
開機/關機動畫及聲音修改(C:\Animations)文件名字: Startup.gif, Startup.mp3, Shutdown.gif, Shutdown.mp3
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in C:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in C:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

14. Startup/Shutdown (E:\Animations)
開機/關機動畫及聲音修改(E:\Animations)文件名字: Startup.gif, Startup.mp3, Shutdown.gif, Shutdown.mp3
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in E:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in E:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

15. Startup/Shutdown (F:\Animations)
開機/關機動畫及聲音修改(F:\Animations)文件名字: Startup.gif, Startup.mp3, Shutdown.gif, Shutdown.mp3
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in F:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in F:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

16. Voice Recorder (12H/256kbps/Stereo)
- Set the default Voice Recorder to high quality recording (from 64kbps to 256kbps) and increase the max duration of the recording clip from 60mins to 720mins.

17. Music Player Volumn/Heap Mods (80%/32MB)
音樂器音量/内存修改 - 試驗修改
- Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods.

18. Context Data Object Maximum Size Mod
- Experiment mods, the mod REDUCE the max size.

19. Light Sensor Disable
光感應器禁用 - 螢幕將維持100%亮度
- Totally disable the Light Sensor, LCD will have 100% brightness all the time (will dim ONLY in power safe mode)

20. Haptics Improvement
觸屏震動微調整 - 改變不大
- Lower the vibration and fine tune level 1/2/3 haptics feedback (not must different as i can tell)

21. Vibration Alert Improvement
震動器強度修改 - 改變不大
- Same goes with haptics mods, can't really feel big different

22. Camera Full Shutdown (RAM)
完全退出照相機軟件 - 可節省約1MB的内存
- Camera apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), but the N8 have better camera apps as the total shutdown and without only make ~1Mb ram saving (not like what we see in 5800xm as it's camera apps are memory whore)

23. Fast Screen Rotation
提高螢幕旋轉速度 - 不錯的感覺
- Can feel "a bit" faster but not lighting fast as the delay seem not from the sensor but rather from the UI.

24. FM Transmitter RDS
FM發射RDS字幕更改爲"Nokia N8"
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia N8" and not just "Nokia", also try & error on the transmitting freq range (not tested yet)

25. Video Call FPS Improvement
視訊通話錄像FPS修改,從 5/10/15 改爲 10/15/20
- Slightly change the video call setting fps from original min/norm/max of 5/10/15 to 10/15/20. Not tested as not really use video call.

完全退出信息,通訊記錄,日曆,時鍾,通訊錄 - 可節省内存
- Disable Messaging, Logs, Contacts, Clock, Calendar Apps from staying in the background after you exit them.

27. Database Max Record Count
試驗修改 - 增加數據庫
- Experimental mod, Increase database from 20 to 50.

28. Default Application Orientation State
- Change default orientation from Landscape to Hardware Sensor.

29. HWRM Process Priority
- Experimental mod, Hardware sensor priority change from background to foreground.

30. Music Player Equalizer
- Add in additional 6 EQ presets, Flat/Speech/Enhance/Treble booster/Bass & Treble/ZigZag


- Bugfixes for Video gallery scan folder

- Extra EQ presets (lovely effects)

- Fine tune some of the mods to add stability

- Voice recorder duration changed to max 12 hours recording (can record for whole day event)

- Fast screen rotation mod now only reduce it's sensor timing without changing it's original tilting setting


- Included lots of Symbian S60V5 Cenrep mods


- Included multiple choices during installation

- Clean up most of the code within the cenrep files
盡量減少不必要的修改 (保持簡潔)

- All mods change back to .cre for better performance
爲提升速度,全部修改文件換回 .cre

For CAF setting below the recommendation of usage:

1. For close up object (10cm~1m) enable the CAF. 10厘米到1米開啓持續對焦
2. For normal video capture (>30cm) disable the CAF. 大于30厘米禁用持續對焦

Just download the attachment and sign it with your cert then install. No hacked phone needed!!

Installation steps: 安裝步驟

1. Download the attachment. 下載附件
2. Sign the . sis with your own cert. 自簽名
3. Run the signed . sis. 安裝
4. Select the mods that you like to install. 選擇你需要的修改(一起選),進行安裝
5. REBOOT the phone. 重啟手機

Uninstall the mods: 卸載步驟

1. Use normal uninstall apps method. 跟通常卸載步驟相同
2. REBOOT the phone. 重啟手機
3. All will back to original state. 這樣就恢復原狀了

credit to Faenil for the original mods!

Modify or Re-select the mods: 重裝或更改步驟

1. Use normal uninstall apps method. 跟通常卸載步驟相同
2. REBOOT the phone. 重啟手機
3. Run the signed . sis. 安裝
4. Select the mods that you like to install. 選擇你需要的修改(一起選),進行安裝
5. REBOOT the phone. 重啟手機

Attachment: (updated to using multiple download sites)


空先生(blueway8348) 一般網友
發文: 207 經驗: 1,053
發表於 2011-01-03 20:11


黑川峻(cj77882) 一般網友
發文: 643 經驗: 6,265
發表於 2011-01-03 23:29 ,最後編輯於 2011-01-03 23:30
自己斟酌安裝 看自己需要安裝哪些補丁
安裝完 請從啟手機...這樣就ok了

good4(good422304) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-04 05:11
黑川峻(cj77882) 一般網友
發文: 643 經驗: 6,265
發表於 2011-01-04 12:22
功能表→設定→安裝→已裝應用程式→sklchan N8 mods(按住)→解除安裝→從啟手機→這樣就恢復原狀了
Mnfa(myself541) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-04 19:48
殺DD(simin401) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-04 21:14
感謝大大 , 錄影時n8會自動對焦很好用 , 焦點不會 "一下有對到又跑掉"  的情形發生 , 表情 #7
阿木(xnj383) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-04 21:43
小野(demon111wow) 一般網友
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發表於 2011-01-05 09:19

A-WEI大大已經在他2F更新成V3.00版了 0.0

