Vivaz vs Satio

【Ray Ma】(rayma6a30) 一般網友
發文: 276 經驗: 1,255
發表於 2010-01-30 13:55
  I think every here are very interested in how good is Vivaz and is it better than Satio which is a similar mobile phone to Vivaz.表情 #7
  At first, I'm going to introduce Satio:
 系  統: GSM 四頻 WCDMA
尺寸重量: 112 x 55 x 13.3 mm / 126 g
螢  幕: 640 x 360 pixels1670 萬 色 3.5 吋 TFT
相  機: 1210 萬像素 CMOS
30 萬像素 CMOS
記憶插卡: microSDHC
使用時間: 通話 270 分鐘 / 待機 360 小時
上市日期: 2009-10-28
建議售價: HK$ 5580
電  池: 1000 mAh
顏  色: 黑、酒紅、銀
Here is the information of Satio. At this moment, I think it is the best mobile phone. (iphone better)
 The following informations are for Vivaz
Vivaz vs Satio

Vivaz vs Satio

Vivaz vs Satio

Vivaz vs Satio

Vivaz vs Satio表情 #6

系  統: GSM 四頻 WCDMA
尺寸重量: 107 x 52 x 12.5 mm / 97 g
螢  幕: 360 x 640 pixels1670 萬 色 3.2 吋 TFT
相  機: 810 萬像素 CMOS
記憶插卡: microSDHC
使用時間: 通話 780 分鐘 / 待機 440 小時
電  池: 1200 mAh
顏  色: 宇宙黑、月光銀、金星紅、星河藍
  Through these informations, I think they are the two top mobile from Sony ericsson.
 But  Satio can take a better photo than Vivaz, Vivaz can take a full HD movie. This shows that they are the two best phone from SE.
  Although they are both surprising many people, I think Satio is much better than Vivaz for three directions.
 1. Satio's design is better that the position of the cam. is normal. But Vivaz has a cam in the middle of it, I think it's like a (one-eye monster).
2. The setting of Satio is better. For They are both S60 v.5 Phone, Vivaz has a lower class of CPU. And I think SE must Put android into Vivaz or even window mobile 6.5.表情 #4
3. Vivaz can't performce better than his elder brother(Satio) This make me very dissapointed!表情 #7
galaxy s2 really the best phone i've ever used
來自地獄的潛水夫(pig0431010) 一般網友
發文: 1,375 經驗: 3,502
發表於 2010-01-30 16:38
  I think every here are very ... 恕刪

dean(dean6511) 一般網友
發文: 74 經驗: 533
發表於 2010-02-15 10:53
【Ray Ma】(rayma6a30) 一般網友
發文: 276 經驗: 1,255
發表於 2010-03-12 21:47
 satio win
galaxy s2 really the best phone i've ever used

