最新消息...Android Market 於台灣要開放付費機制!!!

Jon(lawyer1980) 一般網友
發文: 16 經驗: 96
發表於 2010-10-01 12:00 ,最後編輯於 2010-10-01 12:01
Since we launched Android and Android Market, we have seen the population of Android users and devices expand into many countries. This widespread adoption has brought with it growing interest in Android Market’s support for the buying and selling of paid applications in these additional countries.

We have been hard at work on this and it is my pleasure to announce that effective today, developers from 20 more countries can now sell paid apps on Android Market. Additionally, over the next 2 weeks, users in 18 additional countries will be able to purchase paid apps from Android Market.

Support for paid application sales is now expanded to developers in 29 countries, with today’s additions of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan.

In addition, Android Market users from 32 countries will be able to buy apps, with the addition of Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, and Taiwan. No action is necessary if you have targeted your paid apps to be available to “All Locations” and would like to launch in these additional countries. If you have not selected “All Locations” and would like to target these additional countries, or if you have selected “All Locations” and do not want to launch your apps in these additional buyer countries, please visit the Android Market publisher site regularly over the next two weeks to make the necessary adjustments as the new buyer countries launch.

We remain committed to continuing to improve the buyer and seller experiences on Android Market. Among other initiatives, we look forward to bringing the Android Market paid apps ecosystem to even more countries in the coming months. Please stay tuned.
原文: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/index.html

所以大約十月中旬就可於Market購買...而且加上之前台灣三星也是十月中旬可升級Android 2.2!!!表情 #7
願社會祥和的男子(audi168) 一般網友
發文: 184 經驗: 1,364
發表於 2010-10-01 16:20
大大您好:為何從免費變成要收費,您反而會比較高興呢?表情 #8
日斤=昕(fishman8) 一般網友
發文: 1,516 經驗: 4,296
發表於 2010-10-01 21:08
 是可以從Market 上直接下載付費軟體並且付款, 不是說免費變成要收錢...

要知道付費軟體總是品質比較好,也不用一天到晚在那裡看廣告... 沒事開個小軟體,身體就要吸收因為傳輸廣告而帶來的電磁波 -.- Android 的軟體都放了廣告讓我非常的不能適應,什麼查個台鐵也要廣告,我才不要被教化成這種模式... 最好就是有付費版,我就去買;只有出廣告版的軟體,我就不用。~
DUAL30(pupuny) 一般網友
發文: 348 經驗: 1,140
發表於 2010-10-02 22:07


