[請教] Panasonic P905i 解鎖失敗 >_<

alfie(alfie0521) 一般網友
發文: 5 經驗: 8
發表於 2008-04-20 04:52 ,最後編輯於 2008-04-20 05:21
我人在美國,用的是 T-mobile 的系統,之前研究過 T-mobile 似乎會比美國其他門號好 也另外買了 hypersim for p905i only 來解卡 ( ebay 購入 USD 99.99 from 新竹 Taiwan ) 試了好久都是"圈外"  , " The UIM can not be recognized " 訊息有時候會出現...拿回原來GSM手機會顯示 "HyperSim P905i Manual Network" 也可以正常使用,但就是在 p905i 上一直都會圈外 >"<請問有類似經驗後來解決的嗎? 還是有別的方法再試一下我不知道呢? 萬分感激..!!!! 不能用好可惜啊  好貴買的說~"~
Josh(joshyth) 一般網友
發文: 2 經驗: 7
發表於 2008-04-22 10:54
Sorry, don't have a chinese character keyboard at the moment, so english will have to do for the moment. Actually NextSim v6 or v7 work a lot better than hypersim on T-mobile, and it's only US$19.99 plus shipping. If you have visit forum like howardforum, you'll find out that most people prefer them over the hypersim, since they're more stable.

