MOTO RAZR3 重生?5MP Ruby VE1 官方圖突然曝光
antony說:moto還在為2.2吋的螢幕感到自豪嗎 雖然我們不能否認其他規格的確有進步(對moto來說)Motorola Ruby VE1 RAZR3 appears in press... 恕刪
UIQ... MOTO是真的打算退出市場啦~Racing on the road~
再有新官方圖! 難道真的轉OS?係就好囉!
antony說:MOTO如果推新規格的速度能快一些..起碼它不會像現在這樣..雖然我手上也有MOTOV9...但還是希望能出好一點的Motorola Ruby VE1 RAZR3 appears in press... 恕刪
ANKO說:螢幕也要長進一點才行啦 總不能三年也停留在2.2吋上吧 美國倒閉的公司很多,也不差多一間吧MOTO如果推新規格的速度能快一些..起碼它不會像現在這樣..雖然我手上也有M... 恕刪
別急別急 SE的摺疊機到現在還不是都停留在2.2吋SE都不急了MOTO急啥
﹒☆°.悠﹒☆°.﹒說:2.2真的很小= =螢幕也要長進一點才行啦總不能三年也停留在2.2吋上吧美國倒閉的公司很多,也不差... 恕刪
﹒☆°.悠﹒☆°.﹒說:怪了 一定要說的麼難聽嗎?moto還在為2.2吋的螢幕感到自豪嗎雖然我們不能否認其他規格的確有進步(對... 恕刪螢幕2.2吋跟日本機比當然是很小 可是看一看非日系廠折疊機 到現在也沒幾隻螢幕到2.4吋2.6幾乎一隻都沒有不是每隻折疊機都想搞的跟磚頭一樣5mp更不用說了 也只有三爽的G400而已G400也是內外2.2 頂多跟這隻打平而已對moto來說? 請拿出台灣架上能完全超越他的非日系折疊機吧不要一出來就開始酸........
先不說螢幕 但這樣的機型已經被很多貼牌機出到爛了 V3是經典造型 但出到後來...能在回憶中找尋他的感動了
Motorola Ruby VE1 RAZR3 appears in press shots. Back from the dead?
Last time we heard about Motorola Ruby (or RAZR3), the phone was said to be cancelled. Now we’ve got some press shots with it, and we also know that its official name is (or it should have been) Motorola VE1. Moto Ruby VE1 was rumored to run on Symbian UIQ 3, and the interface we can see in these new pics surely looks like it’s a UIQ one. The thing is that, with the establishment of Nokia’s Symbian Foundation, UIQ is no longer under development, this being one of the reasons why Motorola cancelled the RAZR3 in the first place. So what’s the deal with these Ruby VE1 press photos? Could it be that the phone will be launched after all? Or perhaps Motorola wants to keep Ruby’s hardware and try to put an OS developed by the Symbian Foundation on it? Well, if it will do it, you should know that Ruby has a 5 Megapixel camera, GPS, Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity – which, obviously, are nice features for a clamshell. Anyway, until something official about this comes out, the phone remains as it was – cancelled.