
征木(justin25) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-26 13:36 ,最後編輯於 2008-04-26 13:38
今天翻看外國esato的文 http://www.esato.com/board/viewtopic.php?topic=167976 發現此一挺有趣的研究結果 該有關年青人使用手機的習慣研究調查(07年調查,近期公報) 由美國年青人虛擬社交網站Habbo所作 小弟會原文轉貼 但實在太多字及屬簡單英文故不打算翻譯了表情 #4 留待也常逛外國網站的大大(例如史萊姆大大?)撥冗翻譯了  :P 小弟只在此點出幾個重點: 1. NOKIA依然是最受年青人歡迎的手機品牌,但其領導地位受三星及SE的挑戰,     因為年青人持續追求手機的娛樂性;   (原文如事說,在此請先不要爭論於NOKIA的手機是否不夠娛樂性,請耐心觀看下去再說) 2. 在31個調研國家/地區中,NOKIA在15個依然是最受年青人歡迎,但在英國、德國、丹麥及瑞士,    SE更受年青人歡迎,而06年時的調研NOKIA在此4個國家是最受年青人歡迎的; 3. 在英國,SE及三星位列一、二位,NOKIA跌至第三; 4. 06年時的調研只有37%的年青人以手機作隨身聽;07年升至71% 5. 在新加坡、意大利及奧地利,80%的年青人以手機作隨身聽; 6. 相對的,在日本及芬蘭(NOKIA總部)是最少年青人以手機作隨身聽的國家   (日本如事不出奇,太多代替品了) 7. 70%的年青人以手機拍照及拍短片,比06年多出11% 8. 64%的年青人會玩手機游戲,對比06年此百分比為51% 9. 超過4份之3的年青人會用手機上網、發電郵及即時訊息(如IM),     但年青人最多用的手機功能依然是發SMS(88%); 總結: 1. NOKIA的品牌忠誠度效應並沒有隨著其07年上升的市場佔有率    (07年第四季時超過40%)而相應在年青人群有所增加; 2. 跟據討論區內的歐洲大大回覆,不少歐洲國家的年青人喜歡用SE,     這是由於NOKIA於07年集中推出的N系列高階手機及平價低階機令其佔領了高低兩市場,     但其中階機較缺娛樂原素(07年時Xpress Music系列還沒壯大),     導致年青一群在買手機時選擇SE或三星等其他品牌; 3. 以前用NOKIA及SIEMENS的歐洲年青大大(多是父母的二手機)在換機時     多會選買K550i及W810i...因為價錢問題... 隨著NOKIA對Xpress Music系列的重視,08年的調查結果應該又有變化了表情 #7 原文: The team behind the teen virtual world, Habbo, has surveyed some 58,480 of its teenage visitors on their mobile phone habits. The respondents, who came from 31 different countries, all took part in Habbo’s Second Global Youth Survey. It revealed that Nokia is still the favourite mobile phone manufacturer among teenagers but that its number one position is being threatened by Samsung and Sony Ericsson as teens look for more entertainment on their mobiles. Despite still being the favoured handset in 15 of the 31 countries polled, Nokia loses out to Sony Ericsson in markets such as the UK, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. In all of these markets Nokia ranked first in 2006. In the UK both Sony Ericsson and Samsung are rated higher than Nokia. This suggests that brand loyalty to Nokia, amongst teens globally, hasn’t increased alongside Nokia’s market share, which reached 40% in the fourth quarter of 2007. The results also showed changes in how teens actually use their mobiles. Many are now regularly using their mobile handsets as entertainment devices, where as in the 2006 survey only 38% of teens used their handset to listen to music. This figure has now gone up to 71%. 80% of teens in Singapore, Italy and Austria listened to music in this way, though teens in Japan and Finland listen to music on their mobiles the least. In the UK, 78% of teens listen to music on their mobile. And other applications are also enjoying a boom. 70% of the respondents say that they are now using their mobile to take photos and videos, which is 11% more than in 2006. 64% now play games on their mobile compared to 51% in 2006. And over a quarter of teens also use their mobile to surf the net, email and send instant messages. But texting remains the most used phone function with 88% of teens regularly communicating via SMS. - little bit of side info and coclusion from different web: A study by Habbo asked teenagers(age 11-18) in many European countries what brand of cell phone they favor. In 15 out of 31 countries Nokia ranked first- in the UK, Germany, Switzerland and Dennmark sony ericsson placed first. Int he UK Nokia didn't even place 2nd- but was instead beaten by Samsung. In conclusion- Nokia's 40% market share doesn't show in teen surveys. Nokia's focus on the developement of ultra-high end models and low ends for developing counties is leaving it's mid end segment model porfolio thin with no major multimedia features - leaving teens to prefer different brands. (www.mobilmania.cz)
征木(justin25) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-26 13:47
同一題目但較簡短的英文引述: http://www.esato.com/board/viewtopic.php?topic=168219
暱稱裡沒有iPod(shopt91) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-26 13:53
可能是S60比較複雜的關係吧!! S60要會用的人才有辦法發揮
EQ2(eq2eq2) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-26 14:04

今天翻看外國esato的文http://www.esato.com/board/... 恕刪
感謝分享  裡面講的很實在
很多人用200萬畫素就拍得很爽  理由是他們不懂相機 不會了解n82的照相比k850高竿多少

很多人用手機聽音樂 因為多帶一台mp3不方便 不會知道n91-8G的音質比w960上來的吃香

很多人用手機傳mail 因為nb不便隨身帶 不會知道n95上網多方便

原本是通能不足現在功能都很強大後  漸漸要求沒那麼高後 這些使用者就變多了

se的成功在於w代表他的walkman隨身聽  一般人就會認為  音質好 可以替代隨身聽

nokia雖然也有Xpress Music但是不了解的人不會董

相較之下 產品概念清晰外型亮眼的se就會比較受前輕人愛戴


ANKO(ankoworld) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-26 16:32

今天翻看外國esato的文http://www.esato.com/board/... 恕刪

我愛史萊姆(tribaler) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-27 02:41

今天翻看外國esato的文http://www.esato.com/board/... 恕刪

征木真狠! 附網址又直接點名啊...躲都躲不過:P 我很久未去逛了說...
不過看到這份調查心裡有開心一下(征木摘錄得夠詳細了表情 #4)

征木(justin25) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-28 09:20

 征木真狠! 附網址又直接點名啊...躲都躲不過:P 我很久未去逛了說... 恕刪

那在史萊姆大大眼中MOTO不就一樣老氣了?表情 #4

