美金 20 元一部的 eee 手機 !! 打完就丟,還可以回收呢~

我愛史萊姆(tribaler) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-17 22:24
美金 20 元一部的 eee 手機 !! 打完就丟,還可以回收呢~ 那個eee手機是我自己亂取的,因為他看起來感覺很像手機世界裡的eeepc,就是超級簡單又便宜~ 一部賣20元美金,台幣算是600多一點~幾乎是把手機當預付卡來賣了嗎表情 #5 沒有液晶螢幕,雙頻 900/1800,德儀晶片,可回收材料 據說是很有機會量產的高完成度概念機,已經有廠商大批採購了哦!! 原文在此:http://www.telecoms.com/itmgcontent/tcoms/news/articles/20017522632.html US-based gadget maker Hop-on revealed that its low end GSM cell phone with no LCD screen was a big success during CTIA meetings in Las Vegas, earlier this month. The result is that a European distributor has made an initial test purchase order of 10,000 phones. Peter Michaels, president of Hop-on said, "During our meetings with distributors in Vegas the response to our simple, inexpensive, $20 phone (Eur13) was phenomenal. The initial test purchase order with multiple purchase orders behind it is a big step in introducing Hop-on to Europe." The initial purchase order of 10,000 phones will begin shipping out within 60 days, Michaels said. This particular model uses the Texas Instruments technology chip set and operates in the 900/1800MHz band. To comment on any articles, please contact us at chatback@telecoms.com or have your say on our blog.
毛怪(ts3098362) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-18 17:08
實在太炫了!表情 #6表情 #6表情 #6 現在全世界的人那麼注重環保喔! 還可以回收!
阿斯卡(aska2270) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-18 17:30
Aaron(yoren) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-21 00:08

秋草遊龍ALK(longdear) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-21 12:53
真的是很棒的創意與創新,無線電與無線基地台都它高價了, 一定有可以運用的地方與市場。
易的世界~光與鹽的誓約 Long Dear ALK
☆藍心☆(th19820120) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-04-21 19:18
推一個喔   真便利ㄝ  不知何時  台灣會有  
Lightness(lightness) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-08-31 14:55
打幾通電話就丟較環保??? 還不如買一隻貴的手機用個3到4年....
~黑~(kkop1235) 一般網友
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發表於 2008-08-31 16:35
這支手機是只能打出去嗎? 還是也可以接阿
暱稱裡沒有iPod(shopt91) 一般網友
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