Samsung S5600、S5230 全民觸控手機 新發表

ANKO(ankoworld) 一般網友
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發表於 2009-03-12 18:51
se的1.8和2.2寸荧幕,真是一个笑话... 恕刪

又是這種無關緊要的謾罵..請這位大大編輯一下自己的內容吧表情 #5
Bryan(k5084220741) 一般網友
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發表於 2009-03-12 20:33
MarcoHu(mansonfat) 站方人員
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發表於 2009-03-13 12:02
剛剛逛了GSMARENA.com,發現 S5600 竟然是有內建 GPS 晶片的,而且三星壓根沒有提到這件事情呢 表情 #7

GPS-equipped, indeed

When we received the test S5600 unit, we were surprized to find out that the handset is actually equipped with a GPS receiver. Samsung did not announce that at the official launch of the device.

S5600 is able to use the built-in GPS chip for geotagging and some Java applications, much along the lines of Samsung Pixon. There is no navigation software supplied with our test handset, but we guess at least Google Maps will be on board. Samsung may even throw in their dedicated satnav software at some extra cost.

Samsung S5600、S5230 全民觸控手機 新發表

最右邊那張 GPS+ 應該是類似追星快手那種更新星曆的功能
但 GSMARENA 也提到手機裡沒有內建任何搭配 GPS 使用的軟體

到時候可能又只有 Google Maps 啦

